Whoa whoa whoa, HOW is it a new month already? Saying that, I’ve never been more excited for the arrival of March, because it definitely means that Spring is almost here! Yay for lighter, longer days!
To get myself prepped for a new month, I’ve got a little list of things to get through during the coming weeks…
01. Get back on the beauty content! I’m going to be honest here, because this is a personal blog after all. I’ve been struggling lately because I (used to?) have a certain style of blog photo, and maybe even a certain style of blogging in general (lots of people do, that’s why it works!) but the last six months or so I’ve been feeling so deflated because there’s so many exact replicas of what I create, I feel like there’s truly no point. I almost feel like I’m just giving them fuel to become better… it’s so, so tough.
This morning I got another message from someone notifying me about the same person recreating my posts, and I had a nosy to see what all the fuss was about, and I felt my stomach drop. It was eerily similar – and that’s just one of many!
It’s hard because there’s no one to govern this, so I do feel a bit like, well what’s the point? Which is why I haven’t uploaded much this year, or put up any beauty content in forever!
I know I just need to find a new style or push on, so I’m determined to get past this. Hopefully I can get ahead with my beauty posts, because I used to be so in love with blogging and photographing my beauty picks! Wish me luck…
02. Wedding planning! We’re absolutely no further ahead with wedding planning, and I don’t think we’re enjoying it much! I think we’re going to consider a new angle, because it’s such a mission to organise something when my family are in New Zealand and Jordan’s family (and our friends) are here. I’ve never wanted a big wedding, and I can’t even remember dreaming about my wedding day as a kid, so I know I just need to take a step back and do something we want to do, rather than the Pinterest version of a ceremony.
This is the month we make actual progress, I swear! Did anyone else go through so many ups and downs during the initial planning process?
03. Yes to sun! Jordan and I are off to Tulum in Mexico at the end of the month, a little engagement present to ourselves! I love a sunny holiday but the prep I have to do before it is crazy, and I’ve had to turn down four (FOUR!) trips this month (including one to New York, sob) so I can concentrate on getting things done.
It’ll be worth it for some time in the sun with my love though – has anyone been to Tulum? I have no idea what it’ll be like, but it looks incredible.
04. Push myself. I really want to hit some goals this month – I’ve upped my personal training sessions to three per week, and I’m also telling myself that I’m going to upload a video twice a week on my channel, and blog a whole lot more too.
I love when I feel motivated and inspired in life, it just makes me want to live better and do more! I think setting myself goals is the way forward, it’s always a great feeling when you reach a milestone.
What have you got on this month?