Hello September!
Oh wow, we’re in to the -ber months already. 2020 has flashed before my eyes, I feel like I’ve done so little but also achieved so much… given the circumstances! September is probably going to go super quick for me too since I’ll be away for most of it (more on that below), and before you know it we’ll be talking about Christmas. EEK.
01. I’m off to film! I really wasn’t sure if we’d be able to shoot Scotland’s Home Of The Year this year but somehow we’ve got the green light, albeit with quite a few restrictions. Usually I feel a bit underprepared and overwhelmed by the time filming rolls around but because I’ve had so much time at home this summer, I’m actually looking forward to getting out and doing something! Although I’ll probably regret saying this after the second 6am call time…
I’m away for just over a week, home for a few days, and then out again for the hard part – all the ferries up to Orkney, along to Skye etc. It’ll be exhausting but so fun. Series two was so well received so I’m hoping SHOTY3 is even better!
02. A completed spare room. You may have seen on Instagram that Jord and I have been working on the spare room over the weekend – such a Bank Holiday cliché aren’t we!
We’ve painted the bottom half of the walls a beautiful terracotta shade, and now we’re just waiting for the bed to arrive so we can assemble the room. We weren’t sure if we were going to set this room up with a bed but it made sense in the end, and it’s been a really fun project to do over the last couple of weeks. I can’t wait to share it with you all in due course!
I need to buy a few more accessories, perhaps a beaut bedspread, and a headboard too – and then we’re good to go!
03. And a finished bedroom? The last big thing we need to do in our bedroom is have the wardrobes fitted, but our cabinet guy Gary has had trouble sourcing the webbing so we’ve had a bit of a delay. As you can imagine, it’s absolute chaos in our room! Floordrobe doesn’t even cover it, it’s a mess.
Hopefully we get the wardrobes fitted this week and I can show you the result – there are no words for excited I am to have a wardrobe again! I’ve been trying to find outfits to wear on the show but everything is everywhere, and once I can’t see where something is, it may as well not exist to me anymore. Why am I like this?
04. A quiet month! I feel like I’ve been pretty on it in terms of content during lockdown, but now with the filming taking up all my time I’ll be a little quiet over the coming weeks! I’ll hopefully schedule a couple of posts etc. while I’m away but this week is set to be a busy one so I won’t put any pressure on myself.
I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying what already feels like autumn weather (!!). What’s on the cards for you all this month?