Artwork for our new home!
I’ve been slowly acquiring artwork for the last year, so when shops finally opened I was first in the queue to get them all framed! I love the process of taking art to the framers, I feel so excited to get it all back so I can plan gallery walls or update little corners with a fresh print.
We finally received our new pieces back this week, and we’ve been figuring out where to put them as we still slowly unpack and find homes for everything. I think I have a rough idea where all these new additions will sit, I just need to convince Jord to help me put them up!
As I said, we’ve been collecting these pieces for a while now so it’s a bit of a random mix – but I knew you’d appreciate a little rundown of what we’ve bought.
Elton John Portrait; Oh I just had to have this as soon as I saw it! I found it on Etsy and thought, yes that’s perfect! We all need a little EHJ in our lives and this is definitely a bit of a statement. We had hoped to introduce a gallery wall in our living room, so I think he might go above our dining table – such a showstopper.
Bubblegum Girl; This is probably my favourite of the lot, I’ve been wanting something like this for so long (I’ve been lusting after the Joshua Young portrait art for years, but he doesn’t ship to the UK!) so I couldn’t believe it when I came across it.
I chose a vintage-style frame for this so it’s a lovely mix of classic and modern. I’m hoping to hang it above my new bar cart, but it doesn’t fit in between the panelling so I need to think about whether that will bother me!

Connor Oberst Gig Poster; I found this print online when looking for a present for Jordan’s birthday and I had to track down the artist! I messaged him on Instagram and he managed to find one in his studio for me. He sent me a message this week to say so many people had found him through my Instagram stories that he had to restock the print – he said no one was bothered about it first time around so he’s glad it’s getting the attention it deserves now. Isn’t it just so fun! They’re my favourite colours in one perfect print.
California Car Print; This is a print I picked up on a whim when it was on sale, I wasn’t too bothered about it when it arrived, but now I have it framed in a lovely light wood I really love it. I think I’ll pop it in our bathroom, but I’m worried not enough people will see it! A serious dilemma.
Le Vase Print; Another print I purchased on a whim, but I love this Matisse-style at the moment and I thought the colours were lovely. I might pop this in our hallway when it’s a little more “done”, or even add it to the gallery wall we’re planning for the living room.
Flowers In A Vase; I had hoped to find something like this in a vintage shop, but I just didn’t come across anything that was quite right so I faked it! I bought the print from King & McGaw, which is surprisingly affordable if you frame the print yourself, and then got my framer to add a vintage-style gold frame. It’s the perfect piece for our kitchen, I love it so much!
Hopefully this lot will find their homes on the wall in due course, but until then I’m enjoying seeing them leaning around the flat while we get the place straightened out! What do you think of my picks?