Home sweet home…
As much as I adored the Balinese sun, swimming everyday and giving my summer wardrobe one more run-through, I always feel incredibly happy to be at home – it’s a good feeling, I think, looking forward to your everyday life! Even when I consider how much washing, hoovering and emails I have to catch up on…
I gave myself a bit of a break whilst I was away, I wanted to come back feeling refreshed and excited to embrace the harmony of my routines. I’ve missed dinners at home, working away at my desk, evenings with the cats and having all my beauty products in one place!
I’ve always been a homebody, and I’ve always seen it as a positive – being happy in my own company, enjoying the simple things. Sometimes I think the best part of going out is coming home… is that an okay thing to say???
So to celebrate arriving back to chilly (seriously fucking chilly) Glasgow, here’s a few reasons I’m embracing being a homebody!
Everything in order.
Admittedly, I’m not a great routine-keeper but I love the idea of sticking to a schedule, and my life at home is definitely more ordered than when I’m on the move! I think that’s what I love so much about working for myself – even if I do work from home everyday keeping on top of my emails, blog posts etc., every day is completely different! It’s a routine without being a routine, if you get me.
Being at home gives me a bit of structure, even if the actual workload varies from day to day. I love that I can pick up on projects with everything at my fingertips. I don’t work very well on the move, so I find the familiarity of my workspace here at home pushes me to get through my tasks and work harder. As long as I can avoid my bed, the fridge and Netflix.
Being happy on my own.
I’ve always loved how peaceful I feel in my own company, the way I can amuse myself with work or reading or cooking. I spend a lot of time with Jordan or friends, but I know I’m equally as happy doing my own thing. It’s a good trait to have, being totally comfortable on your todd.
Travelling brings about a lot of hectic days, whether it be a work trip or a holiday, and a lot of time spent with other people, which means I always seem to get a bit of an introverts hangover afterwards. I can be chatty and “on” for as long as I want to be (and believe me when I say want to be!), but I need that downtime afterwards to recharge my batteries and, I don’t know… just have some thoughts and feelings to myself.
Getting my shit together.
A lot of my time at home is spent getting my life in order. I find when I’m away a lot, or just busy in general, everything sort of takes a back seat and then I have to tackle it when I have time.
I usually potter around, doing little tasks and seeing to anything I’ve put to one side whilst I’ve been away. It feels good to get through my to-do list at my own pace, and I feel better for it too!
I usually keep Saturday mornings for the gym, housework and any other life admin I have to do, and I end up with such a clear head when I manage to get through it all!
My favourite days involve the mundane tasks, knowing I can pop a hair mask in and get through emails or accounts without any other commitments is such a good feeling. In the words of Blink 182, I guess this is growing up…
A slower pace.
I sometimes think that I am only so busy because of all the prep I have to do before I go away! It makes me feel so exhausted with everything, I constantly feel like I’m only just keeping my head above the water and never anything more. I mean, I love it and I’m glad that these opportunities come my way, but it’s all about balance really, isn’t it?
When I have a stretch of time at home with less projects going on, I’m a lot more chilled and peaceful. It feels I’m actually accomplishing something, especially when I have full days in my office with little to no social plans during the week. It’s lovely to have the occasional mid-week event or dinner to look forward to, but I really do prefer the days where I work all day and then have a chilled evening at home! I’m a simple being, me.
I’m all for an easy life, but I think you can’t have one without the other – I only appreciate my time at home because I have the buzz of travel, work and socialising to compare it to. Likewise with travel, as soon as I’m home for a few weeks, I start to think about my next adventure! Typical Sagittarius over here.
As we enter in to Autumn, I’m going to embrace home life a whole lot more. I want to see more days on iCal without a dot! Who else is with me on the homebody front?