Oh August, you’re finally here! The last month before the ‘ber’ months and likely our final glimpse of summer. I love this time of year so much and it feels even more exciting right now.
This year has brought so much change for us, so many twists and turns and unexpected outcomes, but despite all this we have so much to look forward to right now and a pretty solid plan for next year too! It’s fun to be chipping away at projects and plans slowly, I’m usually someone who is so impatient but a baby really forces you to slow down – which can only be a good thing!
I have a few more posts to pop up before I take some time off, but in the meantime here’s a quick update from me!
01. I’m currently in the date smoothie/pregnancy ball/raspberry leaf tea era of pregnancy, and I can’t believe I’m here already! Pregnancy feels so, SO long (especially at first!) but then you hit a certain stage and you start to feel like maybe you didn’t make the most of it! I feel like it was only yesterday that I took that pregnancy test (when really it was last year!), but at the same time it’s like I’ve been waiting for this final chapter forever! I’m hoping I have a week or two left in me before I take some time off, although I am starting to feel too exhausted to commit to too much. The third trimester fatigue is like nothing I’ve ever experienced, it’s like trying to move through mud.
I definitely feel peak pregnant right now – my ankles are non-existent, trying to find clothes I still fit in is a bit of a task and I’m like a bottomless pit. I keep saying I’ve had it quite easy up until this point so it’s only fair the final few weeks take it out of me!
02. Our plan for next year is to finally buy a house so I’ve been trying to set some targets to save and budget over the coming months, even in the current climate! In the last couple of years I’ve become so committed to having healthy finances, after years of not really giving it much thought. I wasn’t ever terrible with money per se, I just didn’t have a lot of spare cash so saving never seemed to be possible.
Now we have something to work towards (our dream home!), saving has become a priority and I’ve been in full-on budgeting mode! It’s definitely easier to make better changes financially when you have something to aim for. Of course, we’re not travelling or going out as much and we’ve downsized in order to save, so that’s definitely also made it easier – I keep saying to Jordan that we’re probably the only people who are having a baby and are actually spending less! Dinners out (albeit v rare!) always surprise me, it’s amazing how much you save when you’re not drinking wine… although this will likely change in a few weeks! My wine rack is STACKED and ready to go, I’m not kidding.
03. I put together a post on how I’m preparing for a newborn which I’ll share soon, although everyone always says there’s literally no way to prepare for the chaos that’s about to come! My plan once I finish up some work commitments is to stock the freezer with meals, get some last minute baby bits, and to try and organise the flat a little better. I also want to go slow, have lots of long baths and spa sessions, and do as much walking as possible!
I feel happier than I thought I would to be back in our old flat, even though it’s smaller and less… finished than the last place, it feels like home again. Decluttering before we moved back in helped massively and I’m really pleased we have less clutter to deal with – especially as we spend so much more time at home now!
04. I’m trying to stock up on easy reads for the coming weeks, those unputdownable page-turners that pass time and keep you interested! I’m currently reading which already has me quite engrossed, and I’m going to load up my kindle with anything that takes my fancy too. If you have any recommendations, please do let me know – I’m on a reading mission! I’ve been spending the evenings bouncing on my birth ball and reading, not a bad way to spend a night by the way!
A little early morning update from me! I hope everyone’s having a great week.