As we all know from the many glimpses of my home I’ve shown you, I love the fresh, lively pop houseplants give every room. I have quite the collection of green friends now, and I’m getting better and better at keeping them alive!
I’m sharing a few tips and tricks with you today, as I’ve so many requests for advice when it comes to not killing your plant babies. You can become a good plant parent, I promise…
Read Up On Your Plants
Not all plants are made equal; some like humid conditions, some need lots of light, while some thrive on neglect. I usually search Pinterest for house plants and go from there – you can find plants that help purify the air, as well as plants that don’t need much attention, and plants that need to be in a certain position.
If you buy a plant on a whim and there’s no information on how to care for it, use an App like FlowerChecker to find out what it is, and research it from there. That way you’ll know where to place your new green addition, and how often to water him.
Water On Set Days
Most plants do well with one good watering per week, so choose a set day to water them on so you get in the habit of it. I usually choose a Monday morning and go round with my watering can, it’s easy to stick to and you get in to a routine after a few weeks.
If you’re unsure if your plants need more or less water, press your finger to the soil – if the soil feels dry, go ahead and water. If it’s damp already, give it a miss or just sprinkle a bit of water on the leaves.
Invest In A Spray Bottle
I tend to use a spray bottle way more than a watering can. The plants get an even wash of water, and it means you can mist the leaves too. I also find it’s much harder to overwater cacti and succulents if you’re just spritzing on the water, so it’s ideal if you’re often killing plants by giving them too much.
I’ve also heard that popping an ice cube on the soil of cacti works well too, but this isn’t something I’ve felt the need to try.
Wash The Leaves
For larger plants, especially those with big leaves, you’ll find that giving the leaves a wipe works well too. I have a lovely Monstera plant that is very easy to take care of (and so beautiful too!), but he does need a good leaf wash every now and again. I just take a damp cloth and do this, it takes no time at all.
Tidy Them Up
You’ll notice around the end of winter that your plants may need a little tidy up – just remove any brown leaves or dying sections. It doesn’t take much, but it really will make a difference.
Occasionally, you may even need to repot your plant, so it’s good to research this if the roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot.
A lot of the time, it’s trial and error – often plants work best in certain conditions, for example ferns like a humid environment and do well in the bathroom, whereas cacti tend to prefer to be left alone completely, aside from the occasional water. Just keep at it and you’ll learn as you go!
Are you a house plant fan?