My pregnancy staples…
As I approach my third trimester, I thought it would be helpful to share some of my staples throughout this pregnancy – I know I relied on these sorts of posts when I first learned I was expecting so I hope I can impart some wisdom on to any other mamas to be! Anything to make the journey a little more seamless, eh?
I’ve said this before, but the first trimester is simply about survival. If you’re not feeling up to anything more than the bare minimum, so be it. I was at my worst in January – which is a pretty miserable month anyway, let’s face it – but throw in hormones and nausea, as well as dry, itchy skin and a bad mood, and you get a preggo gal who just wants to stay in bed and eat potato waffles all day. All I did in those first 7 weeks or so was just look after myself, I used the guise of winter to allow me to refuse all plans, and I read/slept/watched TV continuously. I don’t regret it because as soon as my second trimester rolled around, I felt like a weight had been lifted. My midwife commented today on how you could tell I was blossoming, and I really do feel it!
I wasn’t sure what kind of pregnancy content I would want to share on here, I definitely thought I would share more of my journey but let’s just say the messages filling up my inbox are less than encouraging! I hope I can create a positive space for pregnancy updates on my blog rather than Instagram because I know how tough this time can be. I sought out resources that filled me with confidence at the beginning especially (and still now!) – after all, you want to feel your best at this time so I really do think you have to put yourself first as much as possible and be a little selfish!
One thing I keep in the back of my mind constantly is that I am growing a human, all I have to do right now is concentrate on that. Anything else is a bonus.
So on to my essentials! I will start by saying that as soon as I found out I was pregnant, my skin changed dramatically. Where once I had normal/slightly oily, blemish-prone skin that couldn’t cope with anything remotely heavy, I now have the opposite skin type – parched and in need of layers upon layers of creams and serums! It’s actually been so fun experimenting with new skincare products as I really had to streamline my routines pre-pregnancy, but it was a bit of a journey! I feel like a lizard. I still have tan on my ankles from weeks ago that seems to be permanently ingrained in to my scaly legs, so I feel really good about that…

I remember Anna mentioning this in her preggo roundup and I went straight to my stash to find my bottle! This stuff is absolutely heavenly, I think you need all the oil and hydration you can get when you’re pregnant so coating yourself in a liberal amount of this is just the ticket. I love putting it on after the shower and then slipping straight in to my robe while it sinks in, it feels so luxurious – I usually do this in the evening, opening the bathroom window and letting the breeze come in as I slather myself in this dreamy, lightweight but thoroughly nourishing oil.
I had no idea what was pregnancy safe when I first learned I was pregnant and I didn’t have the energy to research it. I remembered Lauren from Summer Fridays saying she created the brand when she was pregnant with her first baby so she wanted really clean ingredients, so I knew that their products would be the best place to start. Thankfully, I’m yet to try a bad product from the brand – everything is SO dreamy and well worth the hype. This serum is beautifully hydrating and really works wonders on my super parched skin.
This is a recent addition but I know I will be repurchasing it again and again, it’s one of the best moisturisers I’ve ever tried. Not only is the packaging an absolute JOY, it really does soothe and hydrate skin. I use it morning and night and I do indeed have a very happy face! Hooray for Beauty Pie once again, we bow down.
Hmm okay so not the most glamorous of products here but we have to give credit to Aveeno – it really does what it says on the tin. I swore by Aveeno products in the early days of my pregnancy because there’s little to no smell (ideal for those preggo senses) and they’re so soothing for those scaly, itchy limbs. This may be TMI but chances are if you’re reading this, you’re going through it too – my boobs were so itchy until I added Aveeno in to my routine, this body lotion really works miracles!
I had a bit of bother with my prenatal vitamins at first because the added iron is so hard on my stomach, and if there’s one thing you don’t need when you’re pregnant, it’s any more digestion issues! I ended up switching to the standard NHS prenatal vitamins they give you early on, but then I found Viridian. These pack in everything I need but are much more gentle on my tum, I think I’ll be sticking to them for the remainder of my pregnancy.
I bought this before I knew I was pregnant and it was a life changer even then! Unsurprisingly, it became my companion during the first trimester as I sipped water all day to keep the nausea at bay. I recommend this bottle to everyone, it really is a must have! It holds a litre of water, has a handle for easy carting around and the straw makes it easy to drink. A lifesaver I swear!

Back in January when I was having a wobbly time, I tried to cheer myself up with new bedding, PJs and candles and do you know what? It helped a fair bit! You may remember we overhauled our bed sitch at the start of the year with the help of Bedfolk (*gifted) and I’m forever glad I had the good sense to make this a priority. I spend a LOT more time in bed now!
If you’re too exhausted/nauseated to clean your house, burning this delicious number is basically the same thing. This has to be one of my favourite ever candles, you won’t regret treating yourself to this!
Another of my favourite purchase was a lovely, cosy pair of oversized PJs – ideal for the growing bump! I and they’re just perfect.
When I say these have kept me going through my pregnancy, I am not kidding! I could eat a bag in one sitting, they are incredible – salty, crunchy, chocolatey. I cannot get enough (Sainsbury’s has them FYI!)
Below Deck
Ideally the Mediterranean version. Just trust me on this, there’s something about Below Deck and pregnancy that just feels so right.
So until it’s time for my daily dates and raspberry leaf tea ritual (which everyone seems to swear by for labour!), I’ll be sticking to this faithful lot. I honestly don’t think I would have managed without a few comforts during the first trimester – although I still haven’t bought a pregnancy pillow! If anyone has any recommendations, I’m all ears/eyes…
Is there anything that got you through your pregnancy?