Hey, September!
It’s not like me to be posting my monthly goals so late in the month, but let me tell you – September has been manic! I just got home from a ten day filming stint for series two of Scotland’s Home Of The Year and I am EXHAUSTED. Ten days of early starts, getting TV ready out of a suitcase, seven ferries (two overnights!), being around people from 7/8 in the morning to past midnight every day… it was crazy, but honestly I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. It was incredible.
I have serious post-shoot blues, I remember this feeling from last year and I know it’s going to take me a while to get over it – the crew have become like my family and I’m lost without them! Luckily I have quite a busy few weeks to distract me, so I thought I’d catch you up on the rest of my month…
01. The final shoot days. We’ve wrapped the home tour episodes of the show (we’ve seen 27 houses which makes up 9 episodes!), but now we have the final to film and another day where we film a show home each. I find I can’t really think about anything else while my mind is on the show, it’s hard to explain but I really feel like I’m in a bubble because we’re all so passionate about it! I speak to everyone that works on the show daily, and when we were filming I didn’t even have time to blog or keep up with anything else. It totally consumes me! I cannot wait for you all to see this next series which will be out in spring, it’s been so fun to film and I’m so proud of everyone involved. If you didn’t catch the first series, it’s on iPlayer here!

02. Back to my routine. With the show filming coming to an end, it’s time to get back to normal life. I’ve really taken a step away from my usual routine, so thank you for bearing with me during this rather crazy time! I truly feel like I’m living a double life at the moment – there’s TV me away on the road with the crew, and then there’s online/real life me, my husband and my friends at home! It’s hard to juggle both.
I can’t wait to get back to vlogging, stories and maybe even some IGTV over the coming months, I’m hoping I can make up for being AWOL for the last little while.
03. Some renovation updates. I’ve kind of put the new flat on hold while I’ve been away because it’s hard to project manage it all while I’m on a ferry with no signal! I am still deciding on how I want the kitchen and bathroom, and the place hasn’t even been plastered yet! It’s very much a shell.
I’m also getting work done in our current flat too, we’re having wardrobes built this week and then I might think about changing the cabinet fronts in the kitchen. Then I need to decide what to do with both flats after that! I’m not ready to move but hopefully I’ll change my mind once I see the new place start to take shape… it’s all a bit up in the air, but hopefully some time at home concentrating on everything will make me feel a little more settled.
04. A bit of rest and relaxation. Last year when I finished shooting the show I was so exhausted, but luckily we headed off on our honeymoon and I had a proper break – which was seriously needed!!
This year we’re doing the same thing, almost as soon as the show is wrapped Jordan and I are jetting to Jamaica for a bit of time off. I know I’m going to need it, I feel a bit broken at the moment and I know the sun will heal me.
We’ve been invited by Sandals Jamaica (where are my Office fans at?!), and I feel so fortunate to stay at such a beautiful resort. I’ve actually never stayed anywhere like this so it’ll be very different to our usual trips! Of course, you can expect a ton of photos and a blog post when I’m home. It looks like paradise!
A very busy few weeks for me! I am so grateful for your lovely messages keeping me going throughout filming, I know it’s all I talk about at the moment but it really is such a big part of my life. I’ll be back to my regular uploads soon, I promise.
What’s new with you guys in September?!