New year, same ol’ me…
It doesn’t seem that long since I was writing my 2018 goals, if you can believe that!
I love New Year’s resolutions, and how the turn of a calendar can feel like such a fresh start – I feel so inspired and motivated right now, and I can’t wait to kickstart 2019!
This year I’ve focused on a good mix of work and personal goals, although with my job I find that balance can be hard – where does one end and another one begin?!
As much as I love setting goals, I never put a lot of pressure on myself to tick ’em off – I’ll definitely work towards these and any progress is going to help me in the long run, but I won’t be hugely upset if I don’t see them through. They’re my milestones for the coming years, not just 2019!
A possible move…
We’ve lived in our current flat for almost five years, which is crazy to Jordan and I as we both moved around a lot as kids.
I feel like I’m ready to make my mark on a new place, but I’m not ready to leave the area we live in and we don’t really need more space so we’re hanging in limbo a little.
I had planned to buy another fixer-upper flat as a bit of a project, but maybe this year we’ll change our minds and invest in a house with a garden – wouldn’t that be a dream?!
I think it’s really the only thing I’d move for at this point.
Another big trip …
I absolutely loved having Bali to look forward to last year, it was such a big trip for us – completely unchartered territory for us both, and further than we would usually go for a holiday (NZ doesn’t count, obviously…)
On my bucket list is of course Japan, as well as Australia, Canada, Palm Springs, Chicago, the Maldives, Tahiti and the Bahamas. There’s just SO so many places I want to visit and never enough time to squeeze them all in, but hopefully we can plan something for either this year or next.
Change my working mindset…
I think I’m quite a perfectionist and maybe an over-thinker when it comes to my work, sometimes I have an idea of something I want to post but I can’t commit because it seems too daunting or too much of a big project. I really want to have more faith in myself and take a step back while I’m at it – I want to find a way of working that works for me!
I used to think I had to be at my computer 9-6 every day, but of course my job isn’t like that at all… and yet I still enjoy having some sort of routine so this is definitely something I need to work on.
I guess I just want to be more creative with my photography and my campaigns, more candid and less of a perfectionist with my blog content, and write from the heart a bit more too. I think it’s time to get super personal with this blog again after all these years!

A few smaller aims…
– get a daith and rook ear piercing
– become more organised in all areas of my life
– shop less but buy more investment pieces
– reduce my plastic waste significantly
– go to a gig or festival abroad
– read more books
– start a new gym class
– finally put together my photo albums
– stress less
– be present more
– share more personal updates
– have more dinner dates with friends
– do more of what makes me happy
A new place to work…
I realised last year that I don’t love working from home – it’s kind of lonely and uninspiring and I find myself wishing for another place to work from.
I thought I’d spend a lot of time in Market but I find it too distracting with all the regulars and our friends popping in – it’s honestly like an episode of Friends being in there!
I’m hoping I’ll find an office or co-working space to work from, it will give me a bit of a break from being at home and I think I’d find myself feeling so much more productive with other people around. Here’s hoping this is the year!
A full time blogger…
This is the year I’m going to fully commit to this blog, which seems quite odd to say after approximately eight years of posting on here. I mean that in the sense that I want this to be my main platform – not Instagram, not Youtube… katelavie.com!
I want to have such a clear view for this blog – more outfit posts, more personal posts, more smaller posts when I feel like it. More interiors, more real life… I want to make this the go-to spot for everything I share!
I feel like I do a lot of content creation for brands over on Instagram, and I feel obliged to post on YouTube but I never truly enjoy it, whereas my blog is my true passion – and yet often it seems to take a backseat. I also think I put too much pressure on myself to make everything so perfect – that every post requires a full set-up photoshoot. Sometimes it’s all about the simple posts with some quick snaps and a bit of text, don’t you agree?
If you have anything you’d like to see more of, or anything you want to see less of, please let me know – I’m really going to commit to these pages from here on out!
More trips with my girlfriends…
I went away a few times last year with my friends and it was completely amazing – we laughed constantly and the memories we made are some I’ll cherish forever.
I’m so proud and grateful for the friendships I’ve made and nurtured over the last few years, and spending time with these girls makes my heart so full!
I’m so excited for the year ahead, for once I feel good about easing myself in to work and real life – I know how tempting it is to want to start again with your entire life come January 1st, but I think this slow and steady start is what’s going to help me be my best this year!
What are you planning for the year ahead?