Hello, December…
The first of December is probably my favourite day of the year, if I had to pick just one. I’m always so excited for Christmas but I never truly embrace the festivities until the first day of December – then I go crazy.
I’ve got some very excited plans for the month ahead, as well as a few goals to achieve if I can…
Would you believe that today is our six month wedding anniversary! I can’t believe how fast that has gone, it seems like just yesterday we were walking the streets of New York.
I’m in London today but I’m dashing home to spend some time with my love – I feel like I’ve barely seen him recently but hopefully we can grab an evening together over the weekend.
Anyway, here’s what I’m hoping to do and celebrate this month!
01. Happy first day of Vlogmas! This is my third year doing Vlogmas and I’m SO looking forward to another 24 days of YouTube fun!
Last year I didn’t manage to complete it – I was so overwhelmed about going back to New Zealand, I couldn’t eat or sleep, nevermind film (and I think I may have had a sneaking suspicion a certain someone was going to propose!) – but this year I’m staying at home and I’m so excited to share our fun plans with you all. It’s going to be very cosy, a lot of ‘at home’ vlogs but all very lovely and festive I’m sure!
Make sure you subscribe here to watch.
02. This weekend we are putting up our Christmas tree and I am beyond excited. Why is Christmas just the best? I never really stick to a theme for Christmas decorations but I think this year I’ll probably make a little more effort because we’re at home for the whole month!
My tree will still be a tacky collection of assorted Paperchase decorations, but I think I’ll decorate our flat better this year! I can’t wait to show you what we do with the place.
03. I have one more trip away this year but it’s only a little one so I’m super excited for that. I feel like I’ve been away a lot in 2017 and I’ve really valued my time at home so much more!
This year has been crazy and good in so many ways, and it feels right to spend the end of the year in Glasgow.
Anyway, I’m sure you will see my trip over Instagram and vlogs, it’s set to be very busy and very pretty!
04. I know I’ve talked about this without revealing too much, but the project we’ve been working on for the last few months is almost ready for its unveiling. I’m sure it’s been obvious what we’re up to, but it’s been quite a stressful little venture so I haven’t said much about it!
Anyway, I shall reveal all in Vlogmas over the weekend I think – and maybe do a proper video about it too. It’s been awesome to work on something interiors-related outside of our home for once.
05. I turn 27 this month which is… madness. When did I become so old?! I honestly still feel like my 17 year old self, just a little bit wiser perhaps. Perhaps.
I never really do anything for my birthday since it’s such an awkward date (21st December) but I think this year I may make some plans. I never know what to do for the occasion either, I just want to drink champagne and eat cake! And open presents. So that’s probably what I’ll do.
Ahh this month is going to be lovely, really, truly lovely. What have you guys got planned for December? And fun plans or goals?